Mark Ress is a former gang banger, drug dealer and hustler who drastically changed his life by becoming an Internet Marketer. That title may not be the correct one because as an Online Marketer he's participated in many areas of Internet Marketing and made hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Mark Ress these days has actually been focusing on Program Flipping and Info-preneuring. Because they're, in his view, a number of the fastest methods. They allow him to have what one of his favorite mentors use to call more Money Freedom and Time Freedom.
Social Media is everywhere and there is simply no escaping the fact that an increasing number of companies will seek Social Media Professionals or either Social Media Money making conference Advisers to hire to handle their Social Media Marketing Campaigns.
Now though it's free to create a Twitter account or Facebook account many brick and mortar businesses get it all wrong. They think just because they send out several tweets about their company that all of a sudden a tremendous wave of customers is going to come through the door at any moment. They believe only because they have a couple hundred friends in Facebook and share coupons inside their posts that all of a sudden a huge wave of sales is going to come into their businesses. Well I wish it were that easy and the case. It merely doesn't work that way.
There's so much more to managing Societal Media Campaigns for companies and we expect that this video course will introduce you to a new manner (if not new afterward a BETTER way) of earning an extremely essential income managing Social Media Efforts for others.